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BBQs and Smokers

Can You Grill Steaks On A Pellet Grill

These days, it seems like nearly everyone is looking to buy a top-of-the-line pellet grill. But are pellet grills actually able to do justice on those pricey steaks? If you have bought one recently, you likely are very interested in knowing the answer. You can absolutely grill steaks on a […]

How Much Does A BBQ Cost: 9 Grills To Fit Any Budget

Whether you are contemplating the purchase of your first BBQ grill or simply upgrading, you are likely wondering about the cost.  Grills are not all cheap.  Nor are they all of the same caliber and quality.  In some cases, a more expensive grill does equate to better tasting food. But […]

Charcoal vs. Gas Grills: A Definitive Way To Decide

Some debates will never be settled and charcoal versus gas in the world of grilling is one of them.  But that is okay.  I’m not here to decide once and for all which type of barbecue everyone needs to use.  I am only interested in helping you settle the debate […]

Best Wood Chips For Smoking Every Kind Of Meat

It’s a tall order to create a guide for picking the best flavored wood chips for smoking every kind of meat.  But that is just what I am going to do.  Your time should be spent lovingly preparing a tasty spice rub or tending to that brisket on the smoker.  […]